Valenciennes North Bypass
September 2022
The bow string structures of the Valenciennes Metropole North Bypass was successfully launched over the weekend of the 30th and 31st of July 2022. More than 56 hours were needed for the Sarens and NGE contracting teams to cross the Escaut Canal, to achieve the required 75,5m length.
The setec tpi team was active witness of the operation, ensuring the good development of this milestone. This lengthy activity was successfully completed with the laying of this beautiful structure.

©setec tpi
CDG Express
July 2022
One small step for man and one giant leap… for CDG Express!
Since the last 29th of July 2022, the Porte La Chapelle can be crossed on foot (with PPEs) over the steel structures of its brand new bridge.

©setec tpi
New “cycle highways” network in Paris
July 2022
The Bike Plan 2021-2026 launched by the City of Paris, which includes the transformation into permanent of the corona-lanes and the creation of new cyclelanes, is today as per the following:
- 35 projects launched
- 15 of which are already under construction
- For more than 38km of lanes
- And 198 traffic-regulated crossings
A Design & Construction Project Management JV led by setec tpi, which includes other partners such as the Atelier Nous, Solcy, setec International, setec ITS and Cogicité.
Avenue Tronchet (Paris-8ème) : © Atelier Nous ©setec tpi ©setec tpi

A gold medal for setec tpi !
july 2022
Ecovadis, an independent organisation, has recently awarded setec tpi with a gold medal for our sustainability engagement and performance.
setec tpi is now part of the selected 4% of the engineering consultancies more developed in this matter. Ecovadis recognises setec tpi’s work in terms of safe, healthy and equal working conditions as well as the quality of our enhanced environmental management systems and processes.
This success is shared with setec tpi’s employees, CSR representatives and the QSE team, who are fully aligned with our CSR strategy and believe that it is a keystone element of the company’s present and future.
Equipements and Security business unit
July 2022
The French Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion has just renewed their trust in our Equipements and Security business unit for their work in the road tunnels safety:
- Anne-Charlotte Coupier has achieved the Agreed Qualified Expert (EQA in French). This achievement shows the industry’s appreciation of her work since her arrival to setec tpi in 2008.
- Frédéric Herve, EQA since 2007, has obtained his qualification renewal for at least 5 more years. It should be noted that the list of employees with these honours in the same E&S team is completed by Céline Museux-Castel, named EQA in 2018. The quality of the work provided by our team continues to be acknowledged and rewarded by the industry.
- Last but not least, setec tpi has also been renewed its status as Agreed Qualified Organism. Only 3 engineering consultancies in France, including setec tpi, have achieved such status. This allows us to strengthen our position within the road tunnels safety sector.
Thank you to our clients and partners for their trust, which has led to the above achievements.

What is new on the Porte de Thiais Station ? / Prolongement de la ligne 14 au Sud du Grand Paris Express
June 2022
The main civil works are close to completion and the overground station buildings show their shapes: the northern building for the Marché de Rungis, the T7 tram and the TVM (Trans-Val-Marne) bus line; the southern building also with a connexion with the T7 tram and the Belle Epine Shopping Center.
Inside the station, the mezzanine level on a suspended slab is finalised over the track, the steel truss and their cladding is in progress and the different service utilities are already in place.

Motorway extension – Greece
June 2022
Motorway extension – Greece
In March 2022, setec tpi – Salfo JV signed a new independent engineer Contract in Greece. This contract covers the 75 km motorway extension between Patras and Pyrgos integrated with the existing Olympia Odos concession (Elefsina – Korinthos – Patras – Pyrgos – Tsakona) and which will serve the site of Olympia and boost the western part of the Peloponnese.
This renewal of confidence in setec by the Greek authorities and the concessionaire is a strong testimony to the quality and satisfaction of the services provided.
Indeed, the Olympia Odos motorway, which we accompanied to its commissioning five years ago, has effectively supported the economic development of the country and improved road safety.
Today, we are proud to renew our partnership with the Greek State and the concessionaire to make this project a new success.

CDG Express
31 may 2022
One year ago, we integrated the existing structures for the Porte de la Chapelle crossing of the future CDG Express line. Now, the new infrastructure advances as a black axis across the night. The launching operations will be undertaken every night of this week.

Kremlin-Bicêtre Station / Grand Paris Express metro line 14 south extension
May 2022
The ceiling of this station is composed by a glass-timber structure with a shed shape. This is executed by Mathis entreprise, subcontracted by the main works contractor Razel-Bec.
This truss structure has a maximum span of 17m and they are pre-assembled before lifting on site.
setec tpi has undertaken the structural design and construction Project Management of this timber truss, as part of their main Design & Construction Project Management services for the entire metro line 14 south extension within the DJV Elios.

Peace&Log – Rehabilitation of an old gas station in the Porte de Champetret (Paris XVIIth)
May 2022
The monumental staircase becomes the architectural signature of the Peace & Log project. In a cantilever at the exit of the old gas station, it allows the users to access the market space from the street above.
It is made from a double steel structure: both the structural traditional steel as well as the Corten steel cover. This required a conception that allowed for a transmission of both horizontal efforts towards the existing concret infrastructure and vertical efforts towards the Champerret parking.
The installation of the staircase required a demolition works phase, that included a punctual interruption of the traffic of the bypass.

©Hérault Arnod Architectures
Makeover of the access viaduct to the Tancarville Bridge
setec tpi teams are working on the reinforcement of the 400m-long RC prestressed precast beams Tancarville viaduct, which serves as access to the famous Tancarville suspension bridge, built late 50s. Next step: start of the works around summertime 2022. LinkedIn

October 2021 – A snapshot of the works of the metro line 14 southern extension
The construction of the suspended mezzanine floor within the MIN Porte de Thiais station, managed by the JV Elios (led by setec tpi).
These cables have a design capacity of more than double the service loads which will ease their maintenance requirements by the Project Owner RATP in the operational phase.
This will allow them to be replaced with a staggered approach and a reduced shoring, minimizing the impact on the operations in the station.

22 June to 9 July – Round Table: Offsite Construction
According to McKinsey & Company consultants, offsite construction will reach 20% of the worldwide construction by 2030.

From the 22nd of June to the 9th of July, the Maison de l’architecture Ile-de-France will organise two open round tables for the discussions around definition, status update of offsite construction, best practices and failures for an objective learning experience.
Join Ingrid BERTIN, eco-design coordinator, part of the Engineers & Citizens project in setec, for the first round table on Monday the 22nd of June 2021 between 7pm and 9pm.
21/06/2021 – A snapshot of the Grand Paris Line 15 south site
The platforms of the extension of the Line 14 south and the Line 15 South cross perpendicularly at the bottom of the 50m-deep shaft of the Villejuif-Institut Gustave Roussy station.

The 8 underground levels are executed, and the cover slab is ongoing. The completion of the civil engineering activities will be followed by the architectural and all the other technical elements such as interior design, lighting, or utilities.
03/03/2021 – A new milestone in the Paris Metro line 14 south extension – Package GC02

Six years after the start of the studies, the team setec, Lead Project Manager of the package and of the Design Joint Venture Elios, is happy to witness the arrival of the TBM Allison. An important milestone after a boring journey of 14km. A project that is still in the “Olympic race” for 2024 after overcoming many obstacles. All of this in perfect partnership with the RATP, this Project’s Owner, and the Construction Joint Venture Vinci- Spie.


©Marco Simon
February 2021 – Tower construction in timber – Interview to Didier Sauvage
France aims to be carbon neutral by no later than 2050. Our timber construction design team has some proposals to this end.
In this interview , Didier Sauvage, Project Director in setec tpi, gives some lights on the idea of timber design and analyses its advantages for the multi-level construction projects.
Link to the interview
20/12/2020 – A snapshot of the EOLE – La Défense site
The earthworks uncover the structures of the station built in 2018/2019 under the CNIT, as well as each of the galleries and emergency exits currently under construction. We still need to dig a few meters deeper before arriving to the future track slab level.

14/12/2020 – ”Design of buildings to ensure their reversibility, deconstruction and reuse, monitoring methodology and life cycle environmental assessment”

On the 8th of December 2020, Ingrid Bertin defended her PhD thesis called: Design of buildings to ensure their reversibility, deconstruction and reuse, monitoring methodology and life cycle environmental assessment.

Our employee has achieved the Doctor degree by the University Paris-Est.
The jury members of her thesis defence unanimously praised her job.

Ingrid has developed this PhD thesis as part of setec tpi’s Complex Structures team, with the continuous support of Jean-Marc Jaeger as well as that of the Navier Lab from the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.
This dissertation defense marks the end of 3 years of work. A work that describes setec’s strong determination to be part of a circular system, encouraging the paradigm shift within the construction sector.

The jury members were:
- Internal commissioners: Pr. Farid Benboudjema ENS Paris–Saclay, LMT ; Pr. Guillaume Habert ETH Zürich
- External commissionersExaminers: Pr. Nadia Hoyet ENSA de Versailles ; Dr. Myriam Saadé-Sbeih Université Gustave Eiffel ; Dr. Isabelle Moulin LERM
- PhD Thesis director: Pr. Robert Le Roy ENSA Paris-Malaquais, Laboratoire Navier
- PhD Thesis co-director: Dr. Adélaïde Feraille Laboratoire Navier
- Associated firm’s scientific manager: Jean-Marc Jaeger, setec tpi
setec will organise an internal presentation of the thesis. Expected for spring 2021, to be confirmed.

23/11/2020 – A 3D-printed bridge in Aubervilliers
setec [setec tpi, setec LERM (Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Matériaux) and setec organisation] proudly collaborate with Plaine Commune in the innovative production of the world’s longest 3D-printed bridge.
4/11/2020 – A successful fire test
Modernisation of the A86 Thiais tunnels
Following more than three years of works with roads being closed for traffic average 5 nights per month, the tunnel safety works in Guy Môquet and Moulin tunnels on the A86 will be completed early 2021.
The tunnels’ smoke extraction systems require testing, therefore a 5MW fire was set (equivalent of a small car set on fire) on the night from the 2nd to the 3rd of November 2020. The results of this test confirmed the general public evacuation system as well as the intervention conditions of the emergency services.
25/09/2020 – BIM for the reduction of the carbon footprint. Discover through this video the history of Hyperion, the tallest timber tower in Europe
Winners of 2019’s BIM d’Or 2019, Eiffage, Viguier and setec tpi accepted the challenge and succeeded.
To find out more, Hyperion reaches for the sky
08/09/2020 – setec tpi takes action by training students on current and future climate challenges
The Ecole des Ponts ParisTech held the second edition of the « Rentrée du Climat » (Climate Back to School) on the 8th of September
Organised all around France, this event aims to massively teach university students about climate challenges by participating in a Climate Collage type of workshop. This workshop lasts 3 hours and is based on the conclusions of the last report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). With a playful and collaborative approach, it intends to raise awareness of the causes and the impacts of the current climate imbalance. Created 2 years ago, the Climate Collage has already arrived at 75 institutions and to more than 30,000 students.
Proposed by a group of alumni, the second edition of the “Climate Back to School” was organised in the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech on the 8th of September. 194 freshmen(women)-year students took part in it and Alice Blouët (Structures Engineer from setec tpi and Ponts alumni) was one of the hosts of the Collage.
A very good opportunity to make the setec group known to the Ponts students and to share our “Ingénieurs et Citoyens” (Engineers and Citizens) campaign. We will come back next year with more volunteers!
Alice’s testimony: “The Climate Collage workshop has been a success between the students, who have appreciated its playful and collaborative approach. I was impressed by their maturity and knowledge on climate and environment subjects. Several confessed to me that they want to dedicate their careers and lives to fight climate change, it is very encouraging.
The event ended with a presentation held by the “Pour un réveil écologique” association (“For an ecological awakening”). Launched by a group of students, this movement aims to make the universities a foundation of the ecological transition and for big companies to prioritise climate challenges in their business decisions. The message of this movement is as easy as: a company that doesn’t commit to ecological transition today is a company that will struggle to recruit tomorrow.
Thank you to the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech for their warm welcome and to Igor Arduin for the organisation of the event.

07/09/2020 – setec & XXHL exhibition
setec takes part in the “XXHL: giga tours et méga ponts” exhibition that will take place between the 1st September 2020 and the 7th March 2021 at the Cité des Sciences et de l’industrie of Paris.
The Cité des sciences et de l’industrie is the perfect spot to discover the secrets of the execution of constructions of exeptional dimensions. The setec group is glad to provide its help and know-how for this event. An occasion to get an immersive, technical and pedagogical experience where setec shares its employees’ passion and commitment. See you all there!
setec presents three bridges and four towers as part of this exhibit, such as:
- Burj Khalifa tower (Dubai)
- Montparnasse tower renovation project (Paris)
- Millau viaduct
- Akashi strait bridge (Japan)
- Yazuv Sultan Selim bridge (Turkey)
For more details, please click here.

13/08/2020 – The Andelys Bridge – Works Execution Design
setec tpi assists Freyssinet as the Designer of the Works Execution project for the adjustment of the suspension of the Andelys Bridge in the Department of Eure.

01/07/2020 – Latest news Paris Metro Line 14 South
Ancillary Shaft CUCHETS :
Following a one month and a half break, Allison continues its journey towards Paris. Wednesday 17th of June it has “borken into” the CUCHETS ancillary shaft, at a depth of 55m. The shifting lasts 3 weeks and the boring shall continue throughout the previously treated quarries under the Kremlin Bicêtre municipality. We get into the hard part!

Kremlin Bicêtre Hospital Station:
The works in the Kremlin Bicêtre Hospital station have achieved a significant milestone in June with the end of the earthworks, at a final depth of 30m. Peak rates of 8,200 m3/week have been obtained, thanks to the use of exceptional earthworks resources. Time now for the civil engineering works in order to get ready for the TBM Allison to arrive!

03/04/2020 – With Europengineers, setec launches a Design Sprint for the reuse of a factory’s structures
For the full communication, please check groupe setec’s website.
19/03/2020 – COVID-19 – Message for all our partners, clients and appointed contractors
For the full communication, please check groupe setec’s website.
13/02/2020 – setec tpi FM – The climate mural
setec tpi FM has met the hosts of the climate mural activity during its 3rd edition.
09/01/2020 – TBM shifting at the intersection of the Line 14 south and Line 15 south
setec’s Project Management teams from the Line 14 south and Line 15 south projects got together last January 8th at the Institute Gustave Roussy (IGR) station to witness how Alison, the Line 14 south TBM, crossed the shaft from eye to eye. This crossing comes after years of teamwork at the unique interface between these two projects and it is executed over a bridge 12m high from the platform of the Line 15 south. This bridge will ultimately form part of the platforms of the line 14 south.
A close collaboration between the different teams from the clients (SGP and RATP), contractors (Vinci) and Project Manager (setec) has made this technical challenge possible.

25/10/2019 – French National Engineering Award 2019 – EOLE station CNIT La Défense
The “Grand Prix National de L’Ingénierie (GPNI) 2019,” the French National Engineering Award, was presented on Oct. 24 to the project management team in charge of the EOLE station under the CNIT (Center of New Industries and Technologies) in Paris La Défense. The station is part of Paris’s West RER suburban line extension project (EOLE).
Winner team of the GPNI award for the design of the station under the CNIT: setec (tpi and terrasol), Arep, Antea.
setec tpi leads the project on behalf of SNCF. The preliminary design took place in 2010 and the design and construction services started in 2012. Currently, setec teams (namely, tpi and terrasol) supervise the works execution design and the site works.
CTBUH Chicago – October 2019
Council on tall buildings and urban habitat (CTBUH) –10th world congress – Chicago
Workshops: Construction, Deconstruction, Reuse of the Structural Elements for Sustainable Cities
Getting ready for what is coming…
Eco-design, reuse, recycling, value-creation, deconstruction, environmental remediation…
Carbon footprint and BIM
Optimising the carbon footprint and the deconstruction thanks to BIM