Circular economy for a sustainable development



The natural resources depletion and the human activities impact threaten our civilisation. setec tpi engages in the circular economy  mostly, but not only, because the Building and Transportation Infrastructures economical sector is the biggest consumer of these natural resources, it produces a significant amount of waste that requires managing and produces more than a third of the greenhouse gas emissions.

The circular economy applied to the Building and Transportation Infrastructures: a powerful lever to fight against climate change and the depletion of natural resources.


setec tpi’s multidisciplinary teams (engineers, experts, designers and developers) support the key actors in the planning and construction fields, leaning on the logic of a sustainable development:

  • Eco-design and execution of low-carbon works
  • Comparative analysis of the projects’ life cycles
  • Study of alternative scenarios such as reuse and sustainable and local provisioning
  • Expertise in wood structures
  • Extension of the existing infrastructures’ life duration




To know more about the technical and scientific research


©Photo by Cameron Venti on Unsplash / Logos ©noun project

With Europengineers, setec launches a Design Sprint for the reuse of a factory’s structures

Sponsored by Michel Kahan, the group Europengineers organised a design sprint with the reuse as theme in setec’s HQ from the 20th to the 22nd of February 2020. Audrey Zonco, engineering manager from setec tpi, proposed the analysis of the reuse of the steel frames from the Thàles factory in Guyancourt and organised the event.

To know more