

The industrial center for the disposal in deep geological stratum (called “Cigéo” in France) comprises some surface facilities (including EP2) to receive, control and prepare radioactive waste packages before sending them to underground disposal for the very long term.


setec’s client EDF, France’s main energy supplier, wished to optimise the EP2 facility already outlined by ANDRA (short for French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management), in order to identify opportunities for savings.




setec tpi’s assignment consisted in redesigning and rearranging the EP2 facility according to the following 2 scenarios:

  • EP2 “HA package”, based on ANDRA’s sketch which requires further optimisation
  • EP2 “HA + ACU package” (Used Fuel Assembly), including an ACU reconditioning process which requires full design.


setec tpi sketched out these scenarios around preset optimisation baselines in order to define a general civil engineering architecture that would meet the functional need of the process. As such, setec tpi pre-dimensioned the process functions, the premises, and the associated mechanics. The sketches for each of the two configurations helped settle on the CAPEX & OPEX budget allowance.


Key information


Client: EDF, Electricité de France, literally Electricity of France


©setec tpi

In a Nutshell

11,350m2 ground footpint
+13%m3 reinforced concretethanks to the ACU process
25%increase CAPEX/ANDRA